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Moon Clouds

Discover the Mysteries Within: Tarot and Astrology Readings

Reconnect with the Wisdom of the Stars and Cards


Tarot and astrology have been guiding lights on my spiritual journey since I was a young teenager. Though life and the responsibilities of motherhood briefly led me away from these ancient practices, they never stopped calling to me. Over the years, I’ve found myself returning to them whenever I could, drawn by their power to reveal the deeper truths of our lives.


Recently, as I’ve walked further along my spiritual path, the call to fully embrace tarot and astrology has grown stronger than ever. I have been blessed with the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and skills under the guidance of Tree Carr, an esteemed Witch, author, death doula and all round incredible spiritual teacher.


A Journey in Progress


While I am still very much in the learning and practise phase of these mystical arts, I am able to offer you a basic reading that can help you uncover insights about yourself while allowing me to hone my craft. Together, we can explore the powerful connections between the cosmos, the cards, and your inner world.


Each reading I offer is infused with the healing energy of my diverse therapeutic background. Expect elements of Reiki, holistic health, and a deep connection to nature to weave through our session, offering a rich, nurturing experience tailored to your unique journey.


Book Your Reading


Are you ready to dive deep into the wisdom of the cards or uncover the secrets written in the stars? I would love to help guide you on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. To book your reading, please feel free to email me;


Sessions can be done over zoom or in person.


Let’s explore the path that lies ahead—together.

Image by Viva Luna Studios

Tarot Readings

Unlock Your Path Forward


Consult the cards to explore your life's questions and receive the guidance you need to make empowering changes. Let's uncover the insights that will help you move forward with clarity and confidence.


Tarot Readings 

30-Minute Session: £25

1-Hour Session _ £45

Astonomical Clock

Birth Chart Readings

Discover the Blueprint of Your Life


Your birth chart is a cosmic map, unique to you, revealing the attributes that shape who you are. By analyzing the position of the planets at your exact time and place of birth, I’ll help you understand how these celestial energies influence your daily life.


After creating your personalized chart, we’ll schedule a 30-minute call to explore each planet’s impact on you. You’ll also receive an email with your detailed birth chart and insights, providing you with a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth.


Birth Chart Readings - £65


Combined Tarot and Birth Chart readings

Unveil Your Unique Path


Take the time to truly understand yourself by combining the wisdom of tarot and astrology. Together, we'll explore your life’s questions and dive deep into your unique journey. For even greater insight, I can also incorporate numerology into your reading, offering a comprehensive view of your path ahead.


90 minutes - £85


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